Evaluation of old Ford Focus after 3 years of use

Evaluation of old Ford Focus after 3 years of use


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as promised at the beginning of the program, right now I will reveal, the original secret is that today we will not test drive, do not experience a new model anymore, but we will try an old car, produced 3 years ago, it's a Ford Focus car that was produced in 2012 and has run more than 3 trees and today we will experience seeing an old car, it How will.

Evaluation of old Ford Focus after 3 years of use 4

 With an old car, we will probably focus on the details on the exterior that we can see right away with the naked eye. For example: This headlight unit, usually cars run for many years, then the headlight system will be blurred, yellowed, stained, making the light pass through not much and be blurred, according to my observation, the headlight. This owner is quite careful, making it very clear, quite new. The second part that we can easily check with the naked eye is the rim system, this set of tires is the original set of tires that we bought in 2012 and have run more than 3 trees, but it can be said that is that it looks pretty clean, although I have seen it wear a lot, but the relatively deep-looking tire groove is still walkable, even though the owner of the car has gone to rub the scratched rim, torn, in a tire track and this set of tires is a set of tires of Vachilanch a very famous tire company that is also very durable and good.

We will open the Cabo lid to check the engine part for any rust, in fact it will be difficult for us to see because the engine part has been covered with a cover system. However, this engine compartment is quite dusty and dirty, probably in need of cleaning, the program on engine compartment cleaning advice we will see in a few weeks, but for now I will close. .

 On this Ford focus car, there are many intelligent automatic features, the light sensor automatically goes into the dark, the headlights will automatically turn on and the rain sensor will automatically wipe when it rains. wiper is fast, if it rains less, it will wipe slowly, now I will try to see if it works smoothly or not.

 Wow, that's still working properly after 3 years of use, there is one more feature I really like about this car that is the smart unlock feature, try it out and see if it still works.

Evaluation of old Ford Focus after 3 years of use 5

 Yes, it opened the door lightly touch here locked and still working smoothly after 3 years. The reason, but I want to test so many automatic features, because when Vietnamese people buy a car, they are often afraid of cars with control buttons, automatic electric adjustment function, we Vietnamese only I think that mechanically controlled, it will be more durable, automatic electric will fail very quickly, so right now the electric seats have been working without damage, also very quiet, the sunroof is still working. However, you can see that the steering wheel has been glossy and the bumps on the steering wheel have been flattened a lot, of course a car that has been driven for 3 years will be the same for any car even if the car is extremely expensive. If you are high-class, this leather part is inevitable to hold continuously like this and the leather seat you can see it has browned because we sit a lot, we will try to check if the USB of this car works. Active or not, the USB stored in the front is the version produced in 2012, so the usb is stored in the front instead of in this trunk, I prefer to store it in the trunk than in the front, which is inconvenient and received the usb , I will try the voice command feature for the car. Play check it still works. I would turn it down and then turn it off, we saw the car warned that the two sensors on the back of the car were faulty, the car reminded us that we would have to go and fix those two sensors and I want to check more about the air conditioner, this air conditioner has a function that is to instantly cool down MAC/AC I want to see if it has instant cooling or not, you can hear the wind whistling, the window blowing It's very cold right on the body, the air conditioner still works very smoothly and after checking some of the features in the car, it can be seen that after 3 years of use, it still works relatively well, possibly because of this owner. The ride is very conservative, but the more important part I want to check is the most special features of this car Stup CD top and automatic reverse parking feature, now we will try that feature.

 In front of me is an obstacle which is a stopped car, now I'm going to shift into D and go straight and I'll change the label and don't use the brakes so the car will brake on its own, I want to check if the features are correct. automatic function electronic features on this car still work well or not after three years of use. Now the car will move closer to the car in front, woa and the car that has braked still works very smoothly, there is another feature that I also want to try on the car that is backing into a parking spot. automatic does not know that after 3 years, such automatic electronic features will fail or not, a lot of people suspect and I want to try and see if I enter D, press the button the car will detect a parking spot, found it and I'll go to R reverse gear, take your hands off you guys look at the car is steering itself, hope there is no problem, you can release the brake.

 That's it, the car has automatically backed into the parking spot, fortunately this function has not been broken after 3 years of use, hopefully it will be used for much longer, a very convenient function though. Although there is no reversing camera, this function has made it much easier for the driver to park the car in the parking spot.

After, we tested the electronic features, the automatic adjustment feature on the car, now I want to have a more thorough test with this car, which is also a very important test, that is. is the test about the safety features of this car after 3 years of use whether it is still good or not and the first lesson we will like every time will be a quick launch, but if I brake hard, I will run 120km / hour and apply the emergency brake.

So with 120km / h, it takes a distance of 29,1 m, this new Ford Focus 3 years to stop a not so bad number, but this is just the first test, and the lesson Our next test is still going to run very fast, brake hard but steer, that is the test of the ABS system of this car, right now I will continue to accelerate to 100 km / h, the car is running like a perfect arrow, the ability to brake quickly and steer is still stable, even though it has been operating for 3 years, the speedometer is already 3, even though the car is still operating quite smoothly, but I still try one more exercise like every time it is a fast launch, sudden lane change, now we will run at speeds of 70, 80 km / h.

It seems that at 70 km / h the ability to change lanes is quite easy like we go on the highway, now it will be 80 km / h, the speed of 80 km / h we change lanes suddenly is still quite good. is stable, the body is very solid and the person is very steady on a chair like this, it feels very secure.

      It is understandable that this car is an American car with a very solid and solid Fullgum set, when we drive like that, there is no feeling of anxiety at all, but there is still one more difficult lesson. That is, we will go at those speed ranges, we will go zigzag, hit left, hit right continuously.

 Although, the tires of this car have worn out quite a lot, but with such continuous steering, the ability to grip the road is very good, thanks to the electronic balance system that works very quickly immediately, the tires of we are very safe riding very stable. It's great, after we try the electronic features and then test the car's safety, I want to try one more very important feature that we Vietnamese are very interested in, that is the ability how is the fuel consumption of this old car, is it much more fuel efficient than new cars, we will try the highway, please.

 I am standing at the beginning of Thang Long Boulevard, the old Hoa Lac road, and now I will ride this car straight away and I will use the convenient features on the car, to measure the fuel consumption. of this car 3 years of use and then see if it consumes more fuel when we go new, now let's get in the car. Probably a car with a usage time of up to 3 years and the distance it has run is more than 3, the engine will probably go down a lot, so I will try to see the fuel consumption of the car. this will be how much we go on a very straight road, it can be said that the standard road of the highway Thang Long 1 highway, now i will rest back to 0, let's see how much this car will cost how many liters of fuel for the whole way for this Thang Long boulevard. Now I will install Ruyscontrol and I leave it at 80 km / h the speed will give this car the most fuel economy, we can comfortably step on the accelerator, the car will automatically run to the end of the road and the car will stop.

Evaluation of old Ford Focus after 3 years of use 6

Now the fuel consumption is 13,1 liters, that's for sure, then we just rested it will be over 10 liters, we keep running further, the longer we run, the consumption will decrease gradually. is the average fuel consumption, and the actual fuel consumption we are running only fluctuates at about 3,8. 4 liters 6, why is there such a change because on these roads there are slopes uphill and then downhill. Uphill sections will increase to 6 liters 1 already, 5 liters 4, some sections will decrease to 3 liters 8 only when going down, straight roads range from 4 liters 6 to 4 liters 8 a number quite impressive, we will wait and see what the average fuel consumption will be for nearly 30 kilometers and of course we still let the air conditioner cool, it's very sunny outside at 37 - 38 degrees Celsius, I still 18 degrees of air conditioning. Now I will still be leisurely not having to step on the gas anymore, which is very comfortable. Thus, we have reached the beginning of Thang Long Boulevard and the distance we have traveled is 27 km, the fuel consumption is only 5,1 liters per 100 km, the average fuel consumption, the fuel consumption this fuel is a little bit higher than the new car, just over 1 liter, I have tried the new car, anyway, this number is too great for a car that has been running for 3 years, it can be said that this car is very good. Fuel economy after 3 years of travel can still run with a level of 5,1 liters, which is very good.

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