How to check if your old car is mortgaged by the bank?

Steps to check if a car is mortgaged?

There is a problem that many customers often wonder that when we come across a car that is not from a salon or a store, but only through friends or through referrals from acquaintances, we really will be very hesitant, wondering whether that car is mortgaged from the bank or not.

 The fact that car ties and vehicle papers are now sophisticatedly faked and counterfeited a lot, friends. Sometimes when you go to the notary, it's just an authorized notary, transferring the user's name, not a purchase and sale notary, even when the notary is done, there are many notary offices they forget to check. So when the notary was done, it was discovered that the car was still in the bank and the car was a fake tie. 

So how should I check in the first place? There is a very easy way I can check if this car is still entangled in bank loans or not.

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Please login first  here Transaction Registration Department ensures the Ministry of Justice. When you buy a car on installment or take a bank loan, the bank will send this application to the National Register of Secured Transactions, which means that your property has been frozen in order to secure a transaction. prevent the sale of cars and you can only buy and sell cars when your debts in the bank have been paid. 

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And now you will go to the information lookup section, this information lookup section will have the registration number, the guarantee side, the frame number, then I will click on the frame number, the frame number above The car tie it says is very short, you don't have enough information, so when you buy a used car you have to ask the owner of that car to show you the registration book because on the registration book it will show the full frame number. 

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Now I will take an example of a car that is getting a bank loan, now I will try to show you now I will type the full chassis number of the car, and then you click on the search, At this point, you will see on the screen that the car does not have any information found, which means that the owner of the car has paid directly in cash from the beginning.

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Next we will check a car that is borrowing from a bank, because the data on the transaction department is very much guaranteed, so if the car is borrowed, it takes a long time to load it, when the information appears. Just drag straight down to the very end, when the car they borrow and then they pay, when they finish paying it will show the payment history, when you scroll down it will show the name of the information. Car owner according to this section, this car is borrowed from any bank.

5 steps to check mortgage car information at the bank

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These are the easiest steps for you to check for yourself whether this car is still in debt with the bank, this is just a self-check at home, but it is not 100% sure, when you Once the transaction has been closed and the deal has been closed, you should bring it to the notary public or the name change place, then the police will notify you if it is okay or not, there are many times when customers have just finished paying. On this they have not deleted, the blockade order is still applied, it will not show the history. The information is for reference only, thank you for your attention.

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