Guide to Driving a Standard clutch

Guide to Driving a Standard clutch


When we are so familiar with controlling scooters and gear cars, the experience of running manual clutch car It's pretty fun but running manual clutch car Not everyone knows how to control because using a hand clutch while controlling, for familiar running, running the clutch is not too complicated.

2 . Standard Taper Manual Driving Manual

How to drive a manual clutch

First, the driver needs to be comfortable to control the car flexibly and safely.

There are some rules to keep in mind when driving a clutch

  • To change gears, you need to clutch First and then step on the gear, you can shift the gear from the clutch lever when the speed is suitable for the gear, but the operation needs a certain ease for novices, definitely not using this move.
  • Squeeze the clutch quickly and release it slowly if the clutch is not firmly pressed or released too quickly, the car will be stalled.
  • The next rule is the clutch in and out, when the driver releases the clutch slowly, he also slightly increases the throttle to make the car operate smoothly.

Attention : Need to shift gears in accordance with the vehicle's speed to avoid stalling

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For example:

  • Number 1: 0à15 km/h
  • Number 2: 15à25 km/h
  • Number 3: 25–40 km/h

The number of manual clutch cars is usually in 2 steps

  • 1 🇧🇷 More
  • 2 🇧🇷 3 🇧🇷 4 🇧🇷 5

Therefore, in the more(N) gear, we have to squeeze the clutch on the gear lever to shift to 1st when shifting to the up gears, we also need to squeeze the gear lever clutch up to shift to 2 - 3 - 4 - 5. opposite .

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