Violation Cases of Motorcycles, Cars, and Electric Vehicles

Violation Cases of Motorcycles, Cars, and Electric Vehicles 2

How many things do you already know about Vietnam's Road Law? What violations cause you to have your vehicle confiscated and impounded by the authorities? Please refer to avoid!

Violation Cases of Motorcycles, Cars, and Electric Vehicles

For Motorcycle

+ Driving a vehicle with an alcohol content in your blood or breath exceeds 50 milliam/100 milliliter of blood, or exceed 0,25 milligrams/1 liter of breathing air.

+ Failure to comply with the requirements of testing and drug and alcohol concentration.

+ Control the car wobbling or swinging.

+ Circus on the car: Run on 1 wheel, let go of both hands, use your feet to control the car, lie on the saddle to control the car, turn around or blindfold to control the car.

+ Driving a vehicle in a group of 02 or more people over the speed limit.

+ Driving a vehicle without a license plate.

+ Driving on the road with drugs in the body.

+ Vehicle registration certificate is not available or has been erased. Driver's license not available.

+ Driving license expires from 6 months or more, when the vehicle has a cylinder capacity of 175cc or more.

+ Drivers under 16 years old or people under 18 years old operate motorcycles with a cylinder capacity of 50cc or more.

For Cars

In which case the car is impounded?
In which case the car is impounded?

+ Driving on the road with alcohol in blood or breath.

+ Driving on the road with drugs in the body.

+ Failure to comply with the requirements of drug and alcohol testing.

+ Control the car swerving, hitting the hammock, speeding to chase each other.

+ Vehicle registration license is not available or has been erased. Driver's license is not available or expired.

+ Vehicles do not have a certificate or stamp of technical safety and environmental protection, or have expired.

+ Driving a vehicle without a license plate.

+ Vehicles installed and used horns exceeding the prescribed volume.

+ Drivers under 18 years old

+ Vehicle does not have enough braking system or has but does not comply with technical safety standards.

For Motorcycles


+ Under 16 years old

+ Not wearing a helmet or not wearing the straps correctly.

With these sharing, we hope that you will know about the Law, understand the Law and more importantly obey the Law in order to bring safety to yourself and the society.


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