4 Levels of Driving Skills: Safe & Professional

4 Levels of Driving Skills: safe & professional 2

More than 6 million car accidents in the US would not happen if drivers had more knowledge about safe driving! Did you know that professional and experienced drivers often have their own techniques to protect their safety even in traffic and on the track. The following article will give you some driving techniques.”peak” from experts from which you can apply to ensure the safety of yourself and your family on every trip.

Driving Techniques That Can Save Your Life

1/ According to experts on safe driving, there are 4 levels of driving skills:

+ Level 1: Newbie to drive

A person who knows how to drive mainly focuses on learning basic driving skills and traffic rules on the road. They have little contact with reality, so they tend to react slowly and don't know the safe distance between stools.

+ Level 2: Master driver

They are people who have experienced traffic on the road. They drive better and don't mess around with conventional handling. However, they still do not have much experience and good driving technique.

+ Level 3: Experienced driver

Experienced drivers can control the car easily and can sometimes actively break the law. Although these people are capable of driving and predicting situations well, that does not mean they are a safe driver. Safe driving is a combination of skill, experience and attitude when driving

+ Level 4: Professional drivers

Driving becomes a natural activity for professional drivers. They completely understand their car and all the necessary rules when driving. These people use the best techniques to anticipate situations or avoid accidents. They have complete control over the vehicle and its surroundings and at all times.

2/ To Drive Safely, You Need To Note The Following Important Things:

A well-prepared driver.

Having the right attitude and proper training is a good start, but there are many simple things that can help save your life. Here are some small adjustments you can make both before and while driving to ensure your own safety:

+ Glass doors: You should always leave the door open fully closed mode or fully open. In the event of an accident, a closed glass door could seriously injure you.

+ Hands: Put your hands on the steering wheel at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions will be safer than the 2 o'clock and the 10 o'clock position

+ Car door lock: This not only helps you prevent car thefts but also protect you Don't get thrown out of the car in an accident 10 times higher than when the door is not locked.

Both parts of the seat belt must be worn correctly: It is extremely unsafe to leave the chest strap under your arm. At the same time, the hip belt must be placed at the waist, not on the abdomen. Once you've worn your seat belt, you can change the seat position to best suit the driver.

+ Use only right foot: You should only use your right foot to brake. Braking with your left foot when you are in a panic can lead to mistakenly pressing the accelerator and the brake at the same time, making the vehicle even harder to use.

+ Reduce brightness: Lowering the brightness of the lights on your car's gauges can help increase your visibility at night. However, do not turn the brightness down too low so that you can still see the indicators on your watch.

Attending groups and planning

An important part of driving is to anticipate what might happen, so you can be prepared in the event of an accident. Professional drivers are always anticipating what might happen and they are prepared to avoid any potential trouble.

Possible situations on the road:

+ Those who cross the road will not stop

+ Elderly people ahead of you often brake for no reason

+ A crash in the front can slow you down in the back

+ If you encounter drivers turning to another direction without turning on their signal lights, the driver behind can turn on their turn lights while still going straight.

*NASCAR racer Kyle Busch says: " Reacting quickly and looking straight ahead to predict what's coming will help you drive safer. I always find my own solution in every situation. If I'm on the highway and there are two other cars on either side, I'll either press the gas to get ahead or slow down to get out of there."

3/ Techniques to hit the steering wheel

Understanding this technique will help you hit the steering wheel more safely and protect your arms and hands in the event of an airbag deployment. Use this technique to avoid fiddling with your hands while driving.

+ Technique of hitting the steering wheel cross-hand when turning right:

  • Step 1: Use your right hand to pull down the steering wheel
  • Step 2: Release your right hand and use your left hand to push the steering wheel up
  • Step 3: Raise your right hand high to grab the steering wheel and continue to lower it
  • Step 4: Repeat

+ Roadcraft techniques

Roadcraft is a system used by professional riders to help make quick decisions when approaching a road hazard. The system divides the necessary actions logically so that the driver can perform them easily and without confusion.

Location: A good driving position is a safe driving position, good visibility and in the right lane

Speed: Adjust the appropriate speed when having trouble on the road. Adjust the brake and throttle so that the vehicle can stop at a safe distance.

Enter Number: Should leave the gear in the appropriate position to be able to effectively control the vehicle to overcome dangerous situations in a gear.

Acceleration: Accelerate to get out of a dangerous situation safely

4/ Control your car.

Understanding how to drive a car is extremely important. Every driver should know how to prevent loss of control and what to do if they do.

5/ Professional driving techniques:

Snow and mud:

+ Brake in a straight line

+ Hold the corner with the accelerator pedal evenly

 + Accelerate when you have passed the bend

When driving on a snowy, muddy road, you should drive near the edge of the road where a lot of sand and rocks are scattered to always control the car well

Do not drive in the footsteps of other vehicles, this can reduce traction speed and engine traction.

If you're driving in the right track in front of you, you'll create more ice as the snow compresses and melts.

For smooth roads:

Every car will react differently in these conditions, so be aware of the vehicle you're driving

+ Tires with a wide width will easily experience Hydroplane phenomenon ( Loss of steering and brake control has a layer of water that separates the contact between the wheel and the road) when the road is wet. Therefore, you should actively steer, do not use the brake in this case.

+ In order for the vehicle to stabilize again, you need to actively steer the car to return to a safe position, absolutely do not step on the gas or brake while the vehicle is slipping, when the vehicle is balanced again, press the brake or accelerator. appropriately, as the case may be.

+ When you lose control with a manual car, remember to "slam on both feet on the clutch brake". This will help you lock all 2 wheels, prevent the machine from getting stuck and help the car come to a complete stop.

6/ Braking techniques

There are quite a few effective ways to brake, but not all drivers realize it. Some models can assist in braking when the vehicle loses control, but most do not. Therefore, understanding your vehicle's braking system combined with reasonable braking techniques in emergency situations will be the deciding factor between life and death.

+ Threshold brake

+ Lock gear

+ ABS (Anti-lock braking system)

+ Braking to the beat

Braking technique according to the beat

Rhythmic braking is a professional driving technique that allows the vehicle to brake while steering on slippery roads, giving the driver maximum time to check the danger ahead.

  • Step 1: Apply the brake until the wheels are locked
  • Step 2: Reduce the brake pedal until the wheels can grip the road and turn around
  • Step 3: Press the brake hard a second time, then release the brake again to let the wheels return
  • Step 4: Repeat this process until the vehicle is fully used again or no longer in danger

If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), this rhythmic braking will be done automatically.

Threshold braking technique

Threshold braking is a racing technique, but it can also be applied on the street. Optimum braking force is generated when the wheel begins to slip, braking after this point will cause the wheel to slip and reduce the phenomenon of "grinding" the wheel on the road surface. If your vehicle has optimal wheel slip, the braking force as well as the phenomenon of wheel "grinding" will be significantly reduced.

  • Step 1: Brake as usual
  • Step 2: Increase the brake pedal force slowly until the wheel is locked
  • Step 3: Reduce the brake pedal force a little so that the wheel regains traction and does not skid.

If your car is forced to go around a frontal collision at high speed, this technique will help the driver decelerate quickly while still keeping control of the steering wheel.

7/ Get rid of the risk of collision.

* Warning: These driving techniques should only be used when in danger, not to escape police pursuit. Drivers need to practice these skills before putting them into practice on the road.

Here are some techniques that can help drivers avoid an accident or make an accident worse. These driving techniques will help drivers to safely avoid an accident or get out of a dangerous situation ahead.

Understanding how to hold a zigzag or a zigzag can help you descend a hill quickly to escape an avalanche or avalanche. The cornering technique can also help you turn around quickly to get out of danger on the road.

Hairpin (Hairpin) technique: These bends often appear on steep passes. A zigzag bend can bend up to 180 degrees

  • Step 1: Brake in a straight line
  • Step 2: Release the brake before it's cheap
  • Step 3:Turn gently to sharp corner (center of bend)
  • Step 4: Accelerate to get out of the bend as quickly as possible

Technique of hugging the double zigzag:

  • Step 1: Brake in a straight line
  • Step 2: Release the brake before turning
  • Step 3: Turn slowly to sharp corners
  • Step 4: After exiting the first turn, you should slowly push the vehicle into the opposite lane. If you go too fast, it can make it harder for the car to take the second turn.

Bootleger driving techniques: The driver can turn the vehicle 180 degrees between two lanes without stopping. 

  • Step 1: Quickly enter low gear (usually 2nd gear)
  • Step 2: Quickly turn the steering wheel to the opposite lane
  • Step 3: Brake
  • Step 4: Vehicle enters the opposite lane and completely reverses direction
  • Step 5: The car stops completely. Then increase the throttle and move forward.

Technique of turning the car J-turn

  • Step 1: Reverse the car
  • Step 2: Acceleration 24-32 km/h
  • Step 3: Place your hands on the steering wheel at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock
  • Step 4: Quickly release the accelerator and turn the steering wheel (at least turn)
  • Step 5: Quickly hit the steering wheel in the opposite direction. The car will start to spin but remain in control.

The skill of using Bootleger or J-turn allows you to get out of an emergency extremely quickly.


All these professional driving techniques are intended to help you become a more experienced and discerning driver. Hopefully the next time you're on the road, you'll use these safe driving techniques.

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