Video sharing experience of exams B1, B2 pass 100%

You must be very worried before Driver's License Exam B2 And today, I would like to share with you some experiences so that you can easily pass the B2 exam. And for sure if you have this experience, I believe if you can pass the B2 test and have a B2 license to drive on the road.

Video sharing experience of exams B1, B2 pass 100% 4

To be able to enter B2 driving license test then the first thing a/c needs is to pass driving theory test And this part of the test, you need to study at home and do enough and practice the tests when entering the theory test, you can easily pass it very quickly and then in the learning process, we We need to listen and follow the teacher's instructions to have a chance to pass this B2 driver's license.

Perhaps the most difficult thing to pass the B2 driver's license exam is the psychological problem. Many brothers and sisters drove very well during their studies. However, when the exam is not good, it leads to failing the exam. How should A/c prepare mentally?

+ The first is that we are not conceited and show that we know how to drive. Because a driver's license is just a normal high school license, not a doctorate or university degree, so we should not be arrogant.
+ The second is that we need to try to study and practice seriously from theory to driving, obeying the diagrams, and signs in the exam in a great way.
+ The third is that we are not in a hurry but need to be careful and pay attention to all the points that the teacher reminds us. We need to be calm, not nervous. The problem of suspense will lead to us forgetting the lesson or making mistakes when we fail the exam.
Fourth, we need to focus on the test completely. Don't be prompted by other people, don't be affected by sounds or other problems such as ringing the phone or trying to remember the lesson. a/c just focus on your exam.
And lastly don't care about time and score. so many a/cs are afraid of running out of time. However, the time given to take one exam is long enough or more for the above 11 practice exercises. So you just need to focus on the test.

Score is 80 points to pass. so a/c doesn't look at the scoreboard anymore and just takes the exam. To have a good mentality, a/c must practice well and be confident in their abilities. If a/c feels that his practice time is not enough, his driving ability is not yet proficient, then a/c should hire a practice time in the yard. I'd rather spend a few hundred thousand dong or 1 million more to pass the exam than spend 1 month - 2 months to retake the exam which will be very time consuming.

Before the exam or close to the exam date, you should practice a few rounds first. Tomorrow, you should practice enthusiastically today. Try to train seriously on these trial days.

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The departures are steep, go through the wheel tracks and then accelerate, and then parallel and vertical, a/c should give priority to practicing these exercises because these exercises are the easiest to lose points.

At the big centers, you can learn which car to drive to take the exam, so you try to get acquainted with this car and consider it as your friend, cherish it.

Next is to remember that we and the worksheets always have markers and tips that the teacher shows a/c which means that up to this point there is this mark. A/c to this point need to brake, need to go slowly, need to accelerate, the teacher will guide a/c the signs may be a paint streak, a brick, a tree, an electric pole, then the teacher will only give a/c. Any lesson will have those points and students will understand each other by themselves

When a/c gets into the car, it is necessary to open all the windows. Turn off the air conditioner and adjust the sitting position and vision, mirror to be as comfortable as possible. Paying attention to external problems are signs like I said.

As for distracting information from the outside, absolutely ignore it and focus completely on the lesson
On the day of the test, we should arrive early and dress appropriately. If you dress properly, you will be allowed to take the exam. Bring all identification documents, especially ID cards and documents that the exam board requires to bring.

The next thing is that we need to come early to learn from the experience of the forerunners, learn from their driving experience and we should ask to guide you and monitor in the process of studying for the exam, the person taking the test first. If the person who takes the next exam fails or passes, we still need to learn. Those who pass, we need to learn from their experience and get more spirit from them. As for the people who fall, we ask where they fell so that we can avoid them, so that we can drive more carefully.

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Get to know the teachers so we can count on them to take the exam earlier. Choose a better car or in case of force majeure that is if we fail, we can contact the teacher to be able to retake the test. It doesn't exist in the regulations, but it can be in the exam hall.

In addition, if it is necessary, a/c should pay a little to be able to pass this B2 license.. Actually, this trick is me not recommended. I have seen many cases where people spend money to retake the exam or pass the B2. I condemn these practices. However, if anyone wants to rooster, they can refer to those ways.

*Do you know: Program car driver supplement is a solution to help train the steering wheel for those who are not really confident about their steering control or train and supplement the steering wheel for students to study to go abroad or study abroad urgently.

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